Help For North Carolina Seniors In Need Of Home Repairs
If you are starting to feel like Cary Grant in “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House” or Tom Hanks in “The Money Pit” you are not alone. Experts say that the average homeowner should expect to spend at least 1 percent of his home's value each year on repairs and general maintenance. The...
Help For North Carolina Seniors In Need Of Home Repairs Continue reading…
Counting on Medicaid? You Might Need To Spend Down.
Long term care in a nursing home facility is ridiculously expensive. All but the wealthiest families would see their assets and income wiped out if they had to pay for it themselves. So how do normal families afford the care their loved ones need? They don’t. Most families rely on government assistance, specifically...
Counting on Medicaid? You Might Need To Spend Down. Continue reading…