Funding Your Living Trust
A living trust as a legal construct in which assets can be stored for distribution at some point and under certain specified conditions to the trust beneficiaries. The trust is managed by the trustee according to the terms set forth in the trust document and for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Many people establish...
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Who to Choose as Trustee
To establish a trust, the trustor, the creator of the trust, transfers assets into the trust and appoints a trustee to manage the trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Trusts can be established for a number of reasons, including probate avoidance, and have many benefits. If you are looking to include a trust...
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Taxes Relevant to Estate Planning
Taxes are rarely anyone’s favorite subject. With tax season just wrapping up, you may have had your fill of the topic for a while. Regardless, however, taxes remain an important thing to confront. This may be especially true in the estate planning context. After all, estate planning is about a lot of...
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What Makes Up My Estate?
When you think about estate planning, you may start to wonder about what an estate really is. What is included in this estate you are planning for? It is a good question and a great way to begin reflecting on your estate and how you want it to be handled after you pass...
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Estate Planning Considerations for Single Parents
Many single parents are the sole providers and caregivers to their children. It is important to approach estate planning for single parents with this in mind. In a strong estate plan, the tools used will reflect the unique circumstances of the individual. Single parents, here are some things to consider when engaging in
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Make Important Health Care Decisions While You are Healthy
We are all guilty of it. We take for granted our health. When we are feeling good, it can be difficult to imagine feeling otherwise. Health is, of course, a gift to be enjoyed, but it is not something to be complacent about. Even those of us who do all we can to maintain...
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Planning for Assets with Sentimental Value
When you think of estate planning, you may think of who you want to inherit your home, your financial holdings, and other higher financial value items. This is, after all, an important part of estate planning and absolutely something that merits significant reflection. Amidst all of your estate planning decision making efforts, remember to...
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Ways to Make Sure Your Children Inherit Your Home
Are you planning on leaving your home to your children after you pass away? Many people do, especially considering a home is often a person’s most substantial asset. If you know that you want your children to inherit your home, the next step is deciding on how you want to make sure this happens.
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The Differences Between a Will and Living Trust
If you have dipped your toe into the estate planning world, you likely know that there are a plethora of legal tools that may be used in an estate plan despite most people only having a passing familiarity with wills. In fact, did you know that many people opt to put a living trust...
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Who Inherits if a Primary Beneficiary Dies?
A beneficiary is a person named in an estate plan who is designated to receive some kind of inheritance pursuant to the terms of the plan upon the passing of the creator of the plan. Beneficiaries not only play a critical role in an estate plan, but are often a central reason for the...
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